Delta7 helps teams and organisations to see the “Bigger Picture”: a large visual overview of your organisation’s complex, wicked challenges, strategic narrative and objectives. This visual tool can help everyone to grasp the whole thing, all at once and start to join the dots, together. Having a comprehensive perspective on everything that relates to what’s most important, gives a firm basis for effective collaboration, getting everyone on the same page and moving in the same direction.
Another way of saying this is that we drawing people together by turning words, experiences and stories into pictures to help people talk about them. Creating visual metaphors bring change to life and start creative conversations about what people care about.
We develop strategic ‘Bigger Pictures’ that help people step back and make sense of the chaos, see beyond the obvious, and expand their views. Seeing things differently helps people imagine and grasp new possibilities, unlocking the creativity needed to find new opportunities for improvement and change.
Bigger Pictures can be anything from Target Operating Models and whole system mapping to strategic narratives, visually structuring complex problems, and leadership development coaching tools.
Engaging people in the ‘Bigger Picture’ can bring your strategy and vision to life for everyone in your organisation. If you would like to discuss how a new way of seeing your strategy or operating model, that can help people make better sense of change and transformation, get in touch: - 077 9000 7560